There were 627 attendees checked in at the end of the day.
In the Cooperation Working Group, Greg Mounier, Europol, spoke of the difficulties law enforcement face when attributing crime online due to the use of CGN. They have lost the ability to trace back an IP address to an individual subscriber, which affects up to 50% of investigations. Alain Durand, ICANN, introduced the Digital Object Architecture (DOA), a distributed name resolution system, which stores and receives data about digital objects and outlined the similarities and differences with DNS. Marco Hogewoning, RIPE NCC, gave an update on the ITU’s Study Group on IoT (SG20) meeting and in specific the IPv6 related work items. He reiterated that IP cannot be used as a permanent identifier. He also spoke of the community concerns about DOA.
In the Routing Working Group, Erik Bais, A2B Internet, recommended that Internet exchanges do filtering based on IRR data. Alexander Azimov, Qrator Labs, asked that Routing WG participants get involved with the IETF to help standardise additional BGP attributes to help prevent route leaks. There was a conversation about MANRS and whether it was stagnating or not.

The Database Working Group started with an update from the RIPE NCC on operational ongoings, as well as the usability improvements over the last six months. This was followed by an discussion on how to make sure that the open work items can be resolved. Lastly, Europol presented on data accuracy in the RIPE Database, and the implications it has for their work. This was followed by a lengthy discussion by the working group on the primary purpose of the RIPE Database and how it could help serve the needs of law enforcement.
In the DNS Working Group sessions, Anand Buddhadev, RIPE NCC, introduced zonemaster as the new DNS checker tool for the creation of domain objects. Vespa Manojlovic, RIPE NCC, reported on the success of the recent DNS Measurements Hackathon held in Amsterdam. There was a discussion on the different types of violations in the DNS protocol after the presentation from Ondřej Surý, CZ.NIC. Jerry Lundström, DNS-OARC, and Pieter Lexis, PowerDNS.COM, presented tools to replay DNS traffic for better analysis and a tool for protecting your infrastructure from DDoS attacks, respectively.
In the second IPv6 Working Group session IPv6-WG Jan Zorz, ISOC, and Sander Steffann, SJM Steffann, talked about their tool that tests websites for NAT64 brokenness and asked for volunteers to develop it further. Jan then presented the current version of the BCOP document “IPv6 prefix size for end customers”. They will issue a last call for feedback before this document will becomes a RIPE Document and urged everyone to send comments ASAP. Martin Levy, Cloudflare, presented a plan to remove the feature from all Cloudflare sites to switch off IPv6. This was applauded but some people asked for more data to be collected about why people are trying to switch off IPv6.
Jordi Palet Martinez, Consulintel, talked about “464XLAT Residential Networks”. After the talk it was suggested that more modern research is needed to compare of various transition technologies as most studies are pretty old by now.
The evening’s BoFs included OpenBMP Project Overview led by Randy Bush, IIJ, and a BoF focusing on regional outreach by Alexander Isavnin.
The day’s events finished with a fantastic RIPE 74 Dinner across the Danube at the breathtaking Hungarian National Gallery. RIPE NCC sponsored the dinner in celebration of their 25th anniversary.